Join the Discussion on
It is not yet another series of webinars and online conferences.
This is the place where you can meet other Software Developers and take part in the active discussions.
What is it?
Are you missing hallway discussions on pre-covid conferences?
We would like to give you the opportunity to join your colleagues and discuss software development topics.
We are going to organize online unConference where there is no single presenter, but all of the participants can take part in the discussion. You can think of it as a meeting on conference hallway. You can join the group and listen, but you are also free to speak up.
We will host meetings in 2 formats: regular open discussions and also panel discussions with invited rockstar speakers.
How to take part?
Step 1
Join Our Mailing List for Free
You need register for mailing list to get the most out of the unConference. This will be our main channel for communication. Including links to live sessions, etc.
You can join anytime, however the sooner you join, the more impact you have how the unConference will look like.
Step 2
Submit anonymously proposals of topics you would like to talk about
You will receive link to form where you can anonymously submit your discussion topics.
First round of topics we will collect by end of April. However, you can still submit proposals in May and later. We will consider them at second round of voting.
Step 3
We will collect all topics and group similar ones
In early May we will review all discussion proposals and group similar ones.
Step 4
Vote for the talk proposals you like the most.
You will receive link where you can vote for the most interesting topics you would like to discuss. Based on that voting we will prepare discussion schedule.
Step 5
Join the dedicated room and take part in active discussion with other Software Developers.
We will publish schedule. It will not be one day event. Depending on number of submissions it will couple meetings a week spread over couple weeks.
When we run out of topics, we will do 2nd round of voting and extend schedule for another couple weeks. And another... and another...
Copyright © Developers World Grzegorz Duda 2020